The Gandhis and the vicissitudes of Karma

Though the mills of God grind slowly; Yet they grind exceeding small; Though with patience He stands waiting; With exactness grinds He all. This poetic aphorism from the early Greek philosophers captures the unveiling of the deceitful transactions behind the transfer of the National Herald group assets worth Rs. 2,000 … Read More

Rattled Mamata arrests Tapan Ghosh

Hindu Samhati founder Tapan Ghosh was arrested soon after he staged a highly successful rally in support of Israel in Kolkata, a stronghold of fundamentalist Islamic clerics, who were further agitated by news that fourteen members of a Muslim family underwent Ghar Wapsi (return to the Hindu fold) publicly, as … Read More

New edginess amongst Baloch diaspora

After lurking at the edge of international consciousness for decades, with only the death or assassination of a noted leader acknowledged, the Baloch issue has acquired pungency with high pitched campaigns by diaspora in London and New York, and Islamabad’s diplomatic offensive that led to Switzerland denying political asylum to … Read More